ZESA Holdings acting chief executive officer Patrick Chivaura died on Friday morning but details of his death still unknown.

The announcement was made by the Energy and Power Development minister Fortune Chasi on his official Twitter account.

“Sadly, Mr Chivaura an eminent electrical engineer who served as acting CEO at zesa and was due to retire this month passed on this morning. Highly professional, god fearing, honesty MHSRIP. So long Mukanya!” Chasi tweeted.
NewsDay confirmed that family members were still being notified about the death as most of them were out of the country.
Arrangements for his funeral are underway.
ZESA is yet to comment on the matter. newsdayWELCOME EVERYONE: 294,182 MEMBERS, A Quarter of a million members, thank you for the fast growth, participation and continuous encouragement to others to join the group, and engage other progressive minded people in respectful and inclusive debate focused on information dissemination in issues that directly affect the ordinary person including human rights, good governance, accountability, transparency, housing, employment, development, girl child, equality, gender, peace, climate change, pollution, youth, freedom and more issues that directly affect the ordinary person. Information dissemination empowers the readers so that they are better placed to make well informed decisions and choices such as voting. Please feel free to add and encourage others to join.INFORMATION IS POWER!-Thank you for the support. Please email all your articles, photos and breaking news, to newzimbabwe.vision@yahoo.com ,linkedin.com/in/sibusiso-ngwenya-563a572b ‘Twitter-@sibungwenor whatsapp to Mr Sibusiso Ngwenya 0044 79 3 9100534 for publication on the constantly growing online groups, currently standing as follows:1) Zimbabwe Global News 294,182 Members2) Newzimbabwevision.com website 24,709 likes24,756 followers.Manages NewzimbabwevisionFollowed by 12,819https://www.facebook.com/sibusiso.ngwenya.967/videos/10216973817674517/?t=4

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